How to Paint Magic Cards?

Painting Magic cards can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it can also be daunting for new painters. In this comprehensive guide, we will answer some of the most common questions about how to paint magic cards. We will provide tips on choosing the right paints and brushes, as well as helpful techniques for painting different card types. So whether you are a beginner or an experienced painter, this guide has something for you!

Magic cards

Magic cards are one of the most popular collectible items in the world. A lot of people love to collect them, but few know how to properly paint them. In this guide, we will show you how to paint Magic cards so that they look their best.

What you need

To begin, you will need some supplies.

You will need a brush, some paints, and a surface to paint on.
You can use any kind of paint you like, but we recommend using acrylic paints. They are easy to work with and they dry quickly. You will also need some painter’s tape or masking tape.

What you need

This will help you create clean lines when you are painting.


Now that you have everything you need, it’s time to start painting. Begin by taping off the edges of your card. This will create a border around the edge of your card that will be clean and straight.

Next, choose the colors you want to use for your card. You can use any colors you like, but we recommend using two or three colors that complement each other. Once you have chosen your colors, begin painting the background of your card. Paint in large, even strokes until the entire background is covered.

After the background is dry, it’s time to paint the foreground. Begin by adding in the larger elements of your design. Once those are complete, add in smaller details like highlights and shadows.

When you are finished painting, allow your card to dry completely before adding any additional details like glitter or sequins.
Once your card is dry, it is ready to be displayed or traded with friends!

Top recommendations

Here are our top recommendations for painting Magic cards:

  • Use acrylic paints for their ease of use and quick drying time.
  • Tape off the edges of your card to create clean, straight lines.
  • Choose two or three colors that complement each other to paint your card.
  • Allow your card to dry completely before adding any additional details.

Must have Hues

These are the colors that you’ll find in almost every Magic card. They are:

  • Black
  • Blue
  • Red
  • Green
  • White

You can use any kind of paint for these colors, but we recommend using an acrylic paint set like this one. It has all the basic colors you need, plus a few extras that might come in handy (like metallics).


One of the first things you need to do is gather your supplies. You will need a set of paints, a paintbrush, and a clean surface to work on. Once you have everything ready, you can begin painting your Magic cards!

The first step is to decide on the colors you want to use.

It is important to choose colors that compliment each other and create an aesthetically pleasing card.
After you have chosen your colors, it is time to start painting!


Fix your card to a movable surface

The next step is to fix your card to a movable surface. This will allow you to paint without worrying about ruining the card. Once your card is securely attached to the surface, you can begin painting!

Prime the card

The next step is to prime the card. This will help the paint adhere to the card and create a smooth surface. To prime the card, you will need to apply a thin layer of paint to the entire surface of the card. Once the primer is dry, you can begin painting!

Use a 2B pencil

The next step is to use a pencil to sketch your design. This will help you plan out your design and make sure that everything is in the right place. Once you have sketched your design, you can begin painting!

Apply paint

The next step is to apply paint to the card. You will need to use a thin layer of paint so that you do not ruin the card. Once you have applied the paint, you can begin painting!

Start from the background

Then start from the background and work your way to the foreground. This will help you create a more realistic painting. Once you have finished painting the background, you can begin painting the foreground!

Blend all the colors

One of the most important things to do when painting Magic cards is to blend all the colors. This will ensure that your cards look professional and that the paint does not chip off easily. Use a brush or sponge to blend the colors together until you achieve the desired effect.

Blend all the colors

Another important tip is to use several thin layers of paint rather than one thick layer. This will help prevent any air bubbles from forming and will also make sure that the paint does not crack when it dries. Allow each layer of paint to dry completely before adding another one on top.

Apply a few layers of matte varnish

This will protect your work and make the colors “pop” a bit more. Let each layer dry before adding the next. You can find matte varnish at most art supply stores, or online. [1]


What paints to use on magic cards?

The best paint to use on Magic cards is acrylic paint. You can find these at any craft store, and they come in a wide variety of colors. You’ll want to get a few different shades of the colors you plan to use, as well as some white and black paint.

Acrylic paint is easy to work with and dries quickly, so it’s perfect for painting Magic cards. It’s also inexpensive, so you don’t have to worry about breaking the bank when you’re getting started. [2]
There are other types of paint that can be used on Magic cards, but acrylic is the best option for beginners.

How long does it take to paint a magic card?

It depends on how big the card is and how much detail you want to put into it. A simple job might take an hour or two, while a more complicated one could take several days. [3]

How do you modify a magic card?

The first step is to gather your supplies. You will need a card, paints, and a paintbrush. Once you have gathered your supplies, you will need to decide what colors you want to use. You can find inspiration for card modifications online or in other people’s collections. After you have decided on the colors you want to use, it is time to start painting!

To begin, apply a thin layer of paint to the card. If the paint is too thick, it will take longer to dry and could crack or peel off of the card. Once the first layer of paint has dried, apply another layer if necessary. Remember to let each layer dry completely before adding another.

After you have finished painting the card, you will need to let it dry completely. Once the card is dry, you can add any finishing touches you like. You can also add a protective layer of varnish to the card if you would like. [4]

And that’s it! You have now successfully painted a magic card! Remember to have fun and be creative with your modifications. There are no wrong ways to paint a card, so experiment and see what works best for you. Thanks for reading and happy painting!

Did Bob Ross paint Magic cards?

The answer is no, Bob Ross did not paint Magic cards. However, his methods can be adapted to painting Magic cards! Here’s how:

First, you’ll need some supplies. For this project you will need:

  • Magic cards
  • Acrylic paint
  • Paintbrushes
  • A container for water
  • Paper towels or a rag

Start by setting up your workspace. Cover your surface with a sheet of paper or old newspaper to protect it from paint stains. Fill your container with water and set it within reach. Squeeze a small amount of each color of paint onto a palette or plate. Have all of your materials within easy reach before starting to avoid any accidents. Now you’re ready to start painting!

To begin, wet your brush in the water and then lightly dip it into the paint. Start with just a small amount of paint on your brush- you can always add more later if needed. Gently apply the paint to the card, using light strokes. You can build up layers of color by adding more paint to your brush and making additional passes over the card. Allow each layer of paint to dry completely before adding another. [5]

Once you’re happy with the colors on your card, set it aside to dry completely. Once dry, your card is ready to be used in any Magic game!

Here are a few things to keep in mind when painting Magic cards:

  • Be sure to use acrylic paint, as other types of paint will not work on the card’s surface.
  • Use light strokes when applying paint to avoid tearing the card.
  • Allow each layer of paint to dry completely before adding another.

Useful Video: How To Start Altering MTG Cards! What I Use To Alter Magic the Gathering Cards!


Painting Magic cards is a fun and creative way to spend your time! With a little bit of practice, you will be able to create beautiful and unique cards that will amaze your friends! So, what are you waiting for? Get painting!

Doing something like painting magic cards can help improve coordination between the different parts of both hands. In addition, because it can be done freehand without having to use stencils or other aids, there’s also an opportunity to develop one’s sense of creativity and imagination. And finally, as with many things in life, the more one practices, the better they will become at it. So go ahead and give it a try – you might be surprised at how much fun you have!

